Tanker Loading / Discharging Superintendents
This is an operation where Stanton Marine cargo operation superintendents are particularly in demand.
Large tanker owners suffer from the lack of senior and experienced officers and research has shown that the largest percentage of all accidents and costly mistakes are made during the periods of loading and the periods before, during and after discharging ports. Stanton Marine Superintendents travel to tankers before arrival at load ports. They have their confidential briefings directly from the owners. They join the vessel and immediately calculate the cargo requirements, vessels stress, trim, draft and cargo lifting capacity. They are then in constant contact with owners and competently converse and co-operate with oil terminal superintendents. They supervise the discharge of clean ballast, tank stripping, line stripping and all ballast discharge. They check all tanks with the cargo inspection company and they supervise the full loading operation, after which a full set of cargo documentation is produced. They will produce a full report and recommendations for owners and pre-plan the discharge of the cargo. Usually the same superintendent will attend the vessel at discharge port where again a similar exercise takes place but on this occasion the discharge, crude oil washing, tank stripping, line stripping, inert gas operation, time sheets etc are made for a discharging operation. The superintendent produces a full set of cargo discharge documents including time sheets. This documentation is invaluable to owners as it correctly states all operations including crude oil washing times, back pressures, delays and remaining on board if necessary, and consequently acts on owners’ behalf if there are post chartering claims for retention clauses etc. It should be mentioned here that fully qualified British Master Mariners, with many years’ tanker experience, have successfully repudiated many claims on owners’ re-tanker charter clauses, before arbitration, at arbitration and at litigation. Some large well known tanker charterers welcome Stanton Marine’s oil cargo superintendents on vessels at load ports and at discharge ports, as they feel that the possibility of mistakes due to inexperience - including language barrier and translation issues etc. are greatly reduced. Contact Stanton Marine We will be happy to help you with all questions and suggestions regarding Stanton Marine's Tanker Loading / Discharging Superindentent serices. Please contact us on +44 (0)151 670 0404 or email: survey@stantonmarine.co.uk |
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